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崔建春特派员在《南华早报》发表署名文章《统筹发展安全进步 推进“一国两制”行稳致远》

10月1日,外交部驻港公署崔建春特派员在《南华早报》发表题为《统筹发展安全进步 推进”一国两制”行稳致远》的英文署名文章,阐述国家进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化为香港带来谋发展、保安全、促进步的机遇与使命。文章亦于同日在该报网页版刊登。全文如下: 

统筹发展安全进步 推进“一国两制”行稳致远


实现高质量发展(High-quality Development)。发展是人类社会永恒的主题。持续发展的中国与世界共享机遇,中国提出全球发展倡议,对接联合国可持续发展目标,推进高质量共建“一带一路”。香港是中国联通世界的重要窗口,也是世界各国分享中国发展红利的重要通道。习近平主席指出,“发展是永恒的主题,是香港的立身之本,也是解决香港各种问题的金钥匙”。以创新驱动为关键要素的新质生产力呼应全球化时代要求,也为香港更高质量、更可持续的发展赋予新动能。香港在最新《全球金融中心指数报告》中排名升至第三位,重现“纽伦港”全球金融中心格局,更在其中的“投资管理”项目排名中跃升全球第一,同样在瑞士洛桑国际管理学院公布的最新《2024世界人才排名》中大幅上升至第九位,充分反映了国际社会对香港独特地位优势的认可,体现了对香港经济活力和发展前景的信任。香港作为国际金融、航运、贸易中心和国际高端人才聚集高地的地位持续巩固,发展势头喜人,将不断积极适应数字化、智能化等新业态需求,通过国际化、市场化、法治化的营商环境助推知识、技术、服务、人才和创新要素的自由流动,主动对接粤港澳大湾区协同发展,深度参与高质量共建“一带一路”,为中国式现代化作出独特贡献,为普惠包容的经济全球化发挥重要作用。

维护高水平安全(High-level Security)。安全是发展进步的基础。中国提出全球安全倡议,坚持遵守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,尊重各国主权、领土完整,反对冷战思维和霸权主义。香港国安法和香港国安条例有效增强法治确定性和社会稳定性,成为“一国两制”的重要法律保障,为香港由治及兴筑牢安全屏障,进一步夯实香港改革发展的安全根基。“树欲静而风不止”,在香港全力拼经济、谋发展、惠民生的今天,仍有个别国家不愿放弃“以港遏华”的幻想,出于冷战思维和意识形态偏见不断干预香港事务。他们自身建立了密不透风的国安立法体系,却对香港采取“双标”做法,抹黑香港法治,威胁封锁制裁,炮制恶法报告,已成为香港稳定发展的最大威胁。历史和现实表明,安全是稳定营商环境和充沛投资信心的前提,唯有坚持维护国家安全不懈怠,才能凝心聚力谋发展。

推进全方位进步(All-around Progress)。文明与现代化进程紧密关联、共同演进。中国提出的全球文明倡议回答了“现代化之问”,中国式现代化作为人类文明新形态,对人类社会全方位发展进步具有积极启示。“一国两制”制度体现了求同存异、共谋发展的中国智慧,为国际社会解决类似问题提供了中国思路和中国方案,是对人类政治文明作出的独特贡献。香港回归祖国后,以奋斗进取的“狮子山精神”在国家改革开放的壮阔洪流中勇立潮头。在走向由治及兴的今天,香港正以守正创新的改革思维,以识变、应变、求变的历史主动,提升政府治理效能,切实排解民生忧难,破除利益固化藩篱,维护法治权威声誉,发展香港特色优质民主,打造更加璀璨的“东方之珠”。相信香港一定会在改革创新中实现全方位进步,为“一国两制”实践行稳致远作出新的生动阐释,为人类文明进步发挥积极示范作用。

Pearl Shines Bright

Cui Jianchun says China's third plenum presents important opportunities for Hong Kong

The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted a milestone resolution at its third plenary session in July to further deepen reform and advance Chinese modernisation. The resolution has distinctive Chinese characteristics and profound implications for the world, and at the same time, it presents important opportunities for Hong Kong.

As a special administrative region of China, Hong Kong enjoys the unique benefits of the “one country, two systems” policy and a strategic location as a “superconnector” between China and the world. Currently, Hong Kong stands at a critical juncture, poised to transition into more effective governance and better development. Striking a sound balance between development, security and progress is both a call of the times and a historical mission for Hong Kong.

First, achieving high-quality development. Development remains a central theme in human society, and as China advances, it opens up new opportunities for the world. Over the years, China has put forward the Global Development Initiative, dovetailed with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and is actively promoting high-quality development under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Hong Kong serves as a vital gateway for China to connect with the global community and a crucial channel through which the world can benefit from China’s growth. On Hong Kong, President Xi Jinping has emphasised that “development is an eternal theme, the foundation of Hong Kong, and the golden key to solving its problems”.

“New quality productive forces” are a new concept put forward by President Xi, driven by innovation, aligning with global trends and providing fresh momentum for Hong Kong’s sustainable development.

Hong Kong has risen to third in the latest Global Financial Centres Index, reaffirming its position as a leading global financial centre alongside New York and London. Notably, it achieved the top ranking in the investment management category of the index. In the latest annual World Talent Ranking released by the International Institute for Management Development, Hong Kong also climbed to ninth place.

These heartening results reflect the international community’s recognition of Hong Kong’s unique advantages and confidence in Hong Kong’s economic vitality and development prospects.

As its status as an international financial, shipping and trade centre and a global hub for high-calibre talent is further enhanced, Hong Kong is well positioned to adapt to emerging business trends such as digitalisation and artificial intelligence. The city’s world-class, market-oriented and law-based business environment is the perfect fit for facilitating the seamless flow of knowledge, technology, services, talent and innovation.

Hong Kong will also align itself with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area initiative and engage deeply in high-quality belt and road cooperation. By doing so, it will contribute significantly to China’s modernisation drive and play a pivotal role in promoting inclusive economic globalisation.

Second, maintaining high-level security. Security is the foundation for development and progress. On security, China has proposed the Global Security Initiative, upholds the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter, respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations, and opposes the Cold War mentality and hegemonic practices.

The Hong Kong national security law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance have greatly bolstered legal certainty and social stability in Hong Kong. These laws serve as crucial safeguards for the one country, two systems principle, reinforcing the foundation necessary for reform and development in Hong Kong.

As Hong Kong strives to grow its economy and improve the livelihoods of its residents, it faces interference from certain countries that cling to outdated notions of using Hong Kong as a tool against China. These nations, driven by Cold War thinking and ideological bias, continue to meddle in Hong Kong affairs. While they have established stringent national security systems within their own borders, they adopt a two-faced stance on Hong Kong - disparaging its rule of law, threatening sanctions and concocting negative bills and reports that jeopardise Hong Kong’s stability and development.

What is happening shows that security is essential for creating a stable business environment and fostering robust investment confidence. Only through a steadfast commitment to maintain national security can Hong Kong marshal its efforts towards better development.

Third, promoting all-around progress. Civilisation and modernisation are closely interrelated and they progress together. The Global Civilisation Initiative proposed by China provides a framework for addressing the challenges of modernisation, while Chinese modernisation, as a new form of civilisation, offers inspiration for the all-round development and progress of human society.

The one country, two systems principle embodies China’s wisdom in seeking common ground while respecting differences. It provides the international community with Chinese ideas and solutions to similar issues, making a unique contribution to political civilisation worldwide.

Since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the city, with its resilient, determined Lion Rock Spirit, has positioned itself at the forefront of China’s reform and opening up.

Today’s Hong Kong is taking the initiative to see changes, adapt to changes and seek changes with a reformist mindset. To shine more brightly as the “Pearl of the Orient”, the city must resolutely enhance the efficacy of governance, address people’s livelihood concerns, break down barriers imposed by entrenched interests, safeguard its legal authority and reputation, and develop a quality democracy model that fits Hong Kong.

Through reform and innovation, Hong Kong will certainly make progress on all fronts, contribute a bigger share to the sustained success of one country, two systems and be a role model in the progress of human civilisation.




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